Shorthand Sanctuary
March 26th 2024
There are a lot of different styles of speed writing out there but I chose to learn Forkner because it uses cursive handwriting, something I already know, and wouldn’t take years to master. Great way to take advantage of the fact that writing things down stimulates the brain more than typing.
Seems like this is the least supported shorthand on the internet and I’m hoping to change that. But at the end of the day…
This website is dedicated to making the learning process a lot less arduous because there are not many searchable online resources that exist for this system. My goal is to supplement the learning material, you can buy the book on Amazon, get a copy online, or borrow from your local library. The resources on here will be based on the most recent edition.
There will be slight variations to certain letters that I use and that’s the beauty of this system, you can make it your own. You can disemvowel to the extent of your own recognition of the words so I love the flexibility of that. Other speed writing styles disemvowel completely which makes it difficult sometimes to recognize what you just wrote.
Be forewarned, my penmanship, or lack thereof isn’t exactly something to write home about.
I hope this helps another soul out there that takes this up as a hobby. You can support us by using any affiliate links, thanks.
May you delve into the depths of secrecy with wisdom.